Growing a Generation

We are raising the 1st generation of kids that will NOT outlive their parents.
Alarmingly, obesity, Type II Diabetes, heart disease and cancer in CHILDHOOD is on the rise.
Our lifestyle of highly processed, chemical-laden foods filled with sugar and cheap ingredients has created a generation that is overfed and undernourished.
Backpack Friends is committed to changing that for the children within our reach.
Our state-of-the-art school garden program allows campuses to receive a FREE, fully automated, self-contained garden. This incredible educational tool produces 66% more produce than a traditional school garden and is completely organic, pest free, soil free, and weed free.
By working directly with local school and business organizations, sponsorships are easily accessible and each system comes with everything needed to be a successful campus tool-- from seeds to lights to curriculum!
For MORE information about getting one at YOUR campus, click the button below!